Minggu, 29 November 2015


In the context of agriculture, sustainability is a successful resource management for agricultural businesses to help change human needs while maintaining or improving the quality of the environment and conserve natural resources. Human efforts that deny the rules of the economy in the long run will usually only end with the destruction of the environment, about pertngahan years tujupuluhan duni diguncng two crises, namely the energy crisis and the crisis lingkunganm then demand the supply will be petroleum-high isedangkan supply of oil reserves are limited, and production average negra dilkukkan in the middle east, resulting in high inflation, for industrialized countries and foreign exchange for oil pemproduksi.

Agricultural Systems in Indonesia
At the same time the world environmental crisis caused by heavy pollution, especially the burning of petroleum from motor vehicles, heavy industrial machinery, and sebgainya. In addition there is a boom in the world of agricultural chemical fertilizers, medicines eradication of pests and diseases and agricultural machinery diesel. Turns influx of energy from outside the ecosystem negatively impact both the elements endanger or threaten the environment and human beings.


Negar in western countries, after the industrial revolution, the agricultural industry memnag dominated by modern technology, with menggunakkan chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals. Where previously the main currents of thought is that with the use of modern equipment will significantly increase agricultural productivity so as to improve agribusiness profits are large enough, seingga forget dtimbukannya negative externalities. This sector dipascu to produce raw materials for agro-industry and land food needs.

1). However, there is a new awareness in tahunn1920 early to consider the biological and ecological aspects in the management of industrial-agricultural indistri. United States launch in 1930 to bring the concept of eco-agriculture (agricultural environment) as a solution to the setback in land productivity and catastrophic erosion. In the 1940s, began there continuity anatara chemical technology and biology, through the concept of biological control of pests and diseases (biological control for pest and diseases)

2). After World War II, the use of chemicals and engineering technologies to increase again and reached its peak in the 1970s., Where in the same year energy crisis. All countries vying to boost the productivity of the agriculture industry to meet the agro-industrial raw materials. Competition spirit gave birth to new technologies such as the world's agricultural genetic engineering, tissue culture, and advanced agricultural technology.

3). In countries such as Indonesia south, launched a program intensiifikasi farming, especially rice as a staple food, by encouraging pemakaina seed varieties (high variety vield), chemical fertilizers and drugs pemeberantas pests and diseases. The policy of the current government clearly itumemang merekomondasaikan use of outside energy, known as package Panca Usaha Tani, one of which advocate the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

4). Terminology sustainable agriculture (susitainable agriculture) as the equivalent of the term agro-ecosystems were first used in the early 1980s by agricultural experts FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) Argoekosistem itself refers to the modification of natural ecosystems with a touch of interfering humans to produce food, fiber, and timber, to meet the needs and well-being. Conway (1984) also use the term sustainable agriculture with agro-ecosystems that seeks to combine the productivity (productivity), stability (Stability), Equity (equlity), so it became clear that the concept of agro-ecosystem or sustainable agriculture is the answer to the uncertainty of the impact of the green revolution among other things in tenggarai by the growing decline of agricultural productivity (leaffing off).

5). The failure of modern agriculture and environmental forcing agricultural experts think hard and re mencobamerumuskan environmentally friendly farming systems or back to nature. So sebenarnay sustainable pertaninan system is actualized the old paradigm that started back towards entering the 21st century. This is a phenomenon of natural cycle regularity in accordance with the turn of the century.

6). Currently, the western countries hit by a wave of high-tech culture (information technology) that accompanied the rapid use of super-advanced technology in the field of telecommunications, for example the invention of the Internet, cell phones, and so forth. Meanwhile, the southern countries are still in transition from wave to wave farm culture industry culture. Technology adopted by human societies co-menentukkan spirit, style, nature, structure, and processes of economic, social, and cultural.

7). There are two important events that gave birth to a new paradigm of sustainable agricultural systems, the first event is Brundland report of the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987, which defines and seeks to promote sustainable development paradigm. The second event is a conference of the world in Rio de Jeneri Brazil in 1992, which includes discussion of Agenda 21 by promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) that carry a moral message to the world that "without better enviromental stewardship, development will be undermined" important agenda including discussion of the fields included in the discussion of agriculture in the conference are as follows:
  • Maintain continuity of production and profitability in agriculture within the meaning yangluas (food crops, plantations, forestry, peikanan, and livestock) for the long term, for the survival of human life.
  • Treatment and improving the agriculture-based natural resources.
  • Memenimalkan negative damapak agricultural business activity that could be detrimental for the fertility of the land and human health.
  • Sosoal justice inter-village and inter-sectoral approach to sustainable agricultural development.
Entering the 21st century, awareness of environmental anah ertabiab are increasing, in line with the claim by the era of globalization and free trade, ha is particularly felt in developed countries such as the United states and European countries. Smsentara that developing countries such as Indonesia, apparently still slumped's struggling with the negative impact of the green revolution. Paddy field in Java as a center of rice production showed indications of oenuruanan productivity. The fields suffered heavy saturation or pelandaian productivity due to the usage of chemical fertilizers and medicines which goes beyond the normal threshold.

1). The concept of sustainable agriculture continues to evolve, enriched and refined with the study of thought, models, methods, and theories range of disciplines to become an applied science that studies perpetuated for the benefit of mankind for present and future generations. Sustainable agriculture with a holistic system approach and besifat mempertautkan various aspects or gatrs and disciplines that have been established, among others, agronomy, ecology, economic, social, and cultural.

2). Sustainable agricultural systems Guang Yu Book Store also a moral call to do kebajikkan on natural resources with the environment takes into consideration three dimensions or aspects as follows
  • Environmental Awareness (Ecologically Sound), the system should not be mnyimpang cultivation of ecological systems that exist. Keseimbanganadalah indicator harmonization of ecological systems that mekanismena dikendalikanoleh natural law.
  • Economic value (Economic Valueable), agricultural cultivation system should be based on cost-benefit considerations, both for themselves and others, to pandek term and long term, as well as to organisms in the ecological system and outside of the ecological system.
  • Social or civic character (Socially Just), agricultural systems must be in harmony with the norms of social and cultural noma embraced and cherished by the local community as an example a farmer will seek its own diperkaangan chicken farm. Secra possible economical and ecological menjanjikkan decent profit, but in terms of social aspects can give unfavorable aspects for example, air pollution due to the smell of chicken manure.
Social norms and culture must be considered, especially in sustainable agricultural systems in Indonesia usually the distance between the residential population with agricultural areas are very close together. Powered by the high social value of the main considerations before planning an agricultural business in the broad sense.

Five criteria for managing a sustainable agricultural system:
  • Economic feasibility (economic viability)
  • Nuanced and friends with ecology (accologically sound and friendly)
  • Socially acceptable (Social just)
  • Cultural appropriateness (culturally approiate)
  • Holistic systems approach (system and hollisticc approach)
Since the 1980 study and discussion to formulate the concept of sustainable development and universally accepted operation continues. Pezzy (1992) noted that 27 definition of the concept of sustainability and sustainable development, and tettunya there is still much more to escape from such records. While many variations of the definition of sustainable development, including sustainable agriculture, which is widely accepted is that which rests on three pillars: economic, social, and ecological (Munasinahe, 1993). In other words, the concept of sustainable agriculture oriented to the three dimensions of sustainability, namely: the sustainability of economic business (profit), the sustainability of human social life (people), and the natural ecological sustainability (planet).

1). Economic dimension with regard to the concept of maximizing revenue streams that can be obtained with at least maintain productive assets which are the basis in obtaining such revenues. The main indicator of the economic dimension of this is the degree to efficiency and competitiveness, the amount and growth of added value and economic stability. Emphasizes the economic dimension aspects of the fulfillment of human economic nebutuhan both for the present generation or the next.

2). The social dimension is a populist orientation, with regard to the need for social welfare as reflected by the harmonious social life (including tercegahnya social conflict), preservation of cultural diversity and socio-cultural capital, including the protection of minorities. To that end, poverty reduction, equitable distribution of employment and income, social participation of political and social stability culture are important indicators that need to be considered in the implementation of development.

3). Dimensions of the natural environment emphasized the need for stability of natural ecosystems that include biological living systems and natural materials. Included in this is pterpeliharanya biodiversity and biological lertur power, land resources, water and agro-climate, and health and environmental comfort. Emphasis will be on preservation of ecosystem resilience and dynamism to adapt to change rather than on the conservation sustu static impossible ideal conditions can be realized. These three dimensions are mutually affect sehinnga all three should be considered equally. The system is stable and healthy social and natural resources and the environment is the basis for economic activity, while economic prosperity is a prerequisite for maintaining social stability culture and preservation of natural resources and the environment hisup. Social system unstable or ill will tend to lead to actions that undermine the preservation of natural resources and damaging the health of the environment, while the threat of preservation of natural resources and the environment can lead to chaos and social ills.

4). In the long-term dynamic perspective, there are two extreme scenarios that may occur. First, mala disaster scenario that the economic recession spiral or circle-social disease-degradation of nature. Economic recession characterized by negative growth in the economy in a long time revelensi impact on the increasingly widespread poverty and food insecurity. The pressures of poverty and the threat of starvation to encourage the emergence of a variety of social ills such as theft and even social chaos, further encourage people to do-exploitation of natural resources so that the production capacity of natural resource degradation and environmental health continued to deteriorate. Declining quality of human resources, social capital and production capacity of natural resources lead to economic recession continues getting worse, and so on.

5). Economy is growing quite rapidly enable investment to improve the quality of human resources and the expansion and improvement of social capital. Fulfillment of social life and encourage the process of internalizing the need for comfort kelestarin environment and natural resources. Human resources, social, nature and the environment is getting better then be able to sustain further growth berkalanjutan ekonoimi will be able to maintain sustainable economic growth so as to create the ideal conditions of the golden age of justice and prosperity.

6). Vision development (agriculture) is the realization of the ideal conditions sustainable scenario golden age conditions, which in the Indonesian constitution is called a fair and prosperous, and prevent catastrophe circle of poverty. The ideal vision is universally accepted that sustainable agriculture (sustainable agriculture) into the basic principles of agricultural development globally, including in Indonesia. Hence the development of the agricultural system towards sustainable farming is one of the main missions of agricultural development in Indonesia.

7). The perspective of sustainable agriculture has been socialized globally as an ideal toward agricultural development. Sustainable agriculture even now no longer just a discourse but has become a global movement. Sustainable agriculture has become the basis for the preparation protocol implementation rules (rules of conduct) or standard operating procedure "Good Agricultural Practice" (Good Agricultur Practices = GAP) as a global movement, the practice of sustainable agriculture into the joint mission of the international community, countries, development agencies, non-governmental organizations and international consumer organizations also encourage and oversee the implementation of the principles of sustainable agriculture. Adherence to standards producers of sustainable agricultural practices be one of the attributes of consumer preferences on agricultural products. Therefore, every company must always adhere to the principle of agribusiness Good Agricultural Practice (PPB) in order to gain market access, particularly in international markets.

8). PPB which basically is the operationalization of sustainable agriculture, also is a source of competitive advantage. Agribusiness are proven to meet PPB standards will be able to beat a rival company that does not meet the standards of PPB. In order to be credible internationally, the company company must have a certificate issued by an internationally reputed independent institutions commonly called "ecolabel".

9). In addition to the citizens and organizations of the international community, sustainable agriculture movement has also been approved by the United Nations (UN). Promotion and monitoring of sustainable agricultural practices is one of the considerations in the formulation of a country's trade policy. In this regard the case of rejection of export shipments of agricultural prodik increasingly frequent in recent years. That means, adherence to standards of sustainable agriculture is one of the keys for their agricultural products.

10). Sustainable agriculture movement is also driven by the strong over international development donor institutions like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank. Adherence to practice sustainable agricultural development is one of the requirements by the aid agencies and donor countries.

11). Besides directly in the determination of development projects, the pressure to meet sustainable agricultural practices are also carried out through the determination or the determination of domestic policy of a State, especially a developing State State requiring development assistance from donor countries and international development financing. In turn, the policy of the recipient countries will lead and force the agribusiness entrepreneurs adhere to standards of sustainable farming practices.

12). Like it or not, happy or not happy, agribusiness entrepreneurs should comply with good agricultural practice standards, the demands of the times that must be followed. Farmers and government must work together to make it happen. Problems and challenges faced in sustainable agricultural systems, namely, Building a good government and the position of agriculture as the mainstay of the national economy sectors.

13). Pmerintah good way of implementation (good goverment) is necessary in the implementation of agricultural development, namely; clean (clean), capable (competent), gave positive results (credible), and publicly accountable (accountable). Agricultural development will be successful when preceded by penyenggaraan way good government, where the government is an agent of development that determine success in achieving development targets. The challenge is how to build a clean government, capable, successful and accountable. Food self-sufficiency in order to realize the world of free trade and unfair

14). Food security is a matter of life and death of a nation, so that self-sufficiency is a priority for agricultural development purposes. Facing the challenges ahead in order to achieve food self-sufficiency is the increasing degree of globalization of world trade that is unfair.

15). Food security is a matter of life and death of a nation, so that self-sufficiency is a priority for agricultural development purposes. Facing the challenges ahead in order to achieve food self-sufficiency is the increasing degree of globalization of world trade that is unfair.

In the state of Indonesia is also facing domestic problems related to food production are:
  • Efforts to improve the welfare and reducing the number of small farmers, while at the same time symptoms appear slowdown in productivity and a decrease in the exchange rate farmers;
  • Efforts to maintain the momentum of high growth in food production and reverse the trend of deceleration into the acceleration of production growth;
  • Efforts to overcome the phenomenon of uncertainty in production; and
  • Upaya meningkatkan daya saing produk pangan.
16). Mengurangi jumlah petani miskin, membangun basis bagi partisipasi petani dan pemerataan hasil pembangunan, Krisis multidimensi yang terjadi pada pertengahan tahun 1997 telah mengakibatkan jumlah penduduk miskin pada tahun 1998 melonjak. Apabila hal ii dikaitkan dengan fakta bahwa sebagian besar mata pencaharian penduduk di wilayah pedesaan bergantung pada sektor pertanian, maka hal ini berarti bahwa permasalahan kemiskinan terkait dengan sektor pertanian.
Sistem Pertanian Di Indonesia
Meningkatkan pertumbuhan sektor pertanian

Pertumbuhan sektor pertanian sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengakselerasi perekonomian pedesaan. Sektor pertanian Indonesia, hingga saat ini masih sangat tergantung pada hasil primer, sehingga nilai tambah yang diperoleh masih sangat rendah dan kurang kompetitif di pasr dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

Pemerintah harus dapat mendorong perkembangan produk pertanian olahan primer, selain untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah juga meningkatkan dan memperluas pangsa pasar di dalam dan luar negeri. Negara berkembang penghasil produk pertanian, saat ini banyak yang melakukan pengembangan produk pertanian untuk mensiasati perdagangan dunia yang tidak adil.

Apabila hal ini dapat dilakukan maka sektor pertanian akan tumbuh dengan cepat dan tinggi lagi dibandingkan dengan yang telah selama ini dicapai. Pertumbuhan sector pertanian yang makin cepat akan memacu pertumbuhan sector-sektor lain secara lebih cepat melalui kaitan ke belakang dan ke depan dalam kegiatan produksi dan konsumsi. Dengan demikian, sektor pertanian akan lebih dikenal sebagai pengganda tenaga kerja, dan bukan sekedar pencipta kesempatan kerja.

Membangun system agribisnis terkoordanatif

Struktur agribisnis kita saat ini dapat digolongkan sebagai tipe dispersal. Struktur dispersal dicirikan oleh tiadanya hubungan organisasi fungsional disetiap tingkatan usaha. Jaringan ahribisnis praktis hanya diikat dan dikoordinir oleh mekanisma pasar (harga). Hubungan diantara sesama pelaku pelaku agribisnis praktis bersifat tidak langsung dan impersonal. Dengan demikian pelaku agribisnis hanya memikirkan kepentingan diri sendiri dan tidak menyadari bahwa mereka saling membutuhkan. Bahkan hubungan diantara pelaku agribisnis cenderung berkembang menjadi bersifat eksploitatif yang pada akhirnya menjurus ke kematian bersama.

Tiadanya ikatan institusional, asosiasi pengusaha yang bersifat asimetri, kemampuan bisnis yang tidak berimbang (kutub hulu, yaitu petani, bersifat serba gurem; sedangkan kutub hilir, yaitu agroindustri dan eksportir, bersifat serba kuat) ditambah pula sifat intrinsik permintaan dan penawaran komoditi pertanian yang sangat tidak elastis membuat rantai vertical agribisnis bersifat dualistic (Bell and Tai, 1969). Struktur agribisnis yang bersifat dulistik inilah yang menytebabkan masalah transisi dalam agribisnis (Simatupang,1995).

Melestarikan sumber daya alam dan fungsi lingkungan hidup

Permasalahan lingkungan hidup yang dihadapi banyak berkaitan dengan penurunan kualitas lingkungan di wilayah hulu yang berakibat langsung pada kualitas lingkungan di wilayah hilir. Meningkatnya permintaan lahan akibat pertumbuhan penduduk selain menyebabkan penurunan luas baku lahan pertanian yang meningkatnya intensitas usahatani di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) hulu. Penurunan luas baku lahan pertanian, khususnya lahan sawah, yang telah berlangsung sejak paruh kedua decade 1980-an, saat ini cenderung makin besar seiring dengan peningkatan konversi ke non pertanian, khususnya di pulau Jawa,. Pada beberapa tahun terakhir, luas baku lahan sawah di luar Jawa juga telah mengalami penurunan.

Membangun system iptek yang efisien

Permasalan utama yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan IPTEK pertanian adalah belum terbangunnya secara efisien system IPTEK pertanian mulai dari hulu (penelitian tinggi dan strategi) sampai hilir (pengkajian spesifik lokasi dan diseminasi penelitian kepada petani). Efisiensi IPTEK di sektor pertanian ini perlu dibangun melalui sinkronisasi program litbang pertanian mulai dari hulu sampai hilir dan sinkronisasi program litbang pertanian dengan lembaga penelitian lainnya. Selain itu, efisiensi system IPTEK pertanian ini perlu didukung dengan sistem pendidikan pertanian yang mampu menghasilkan peneliti yang berkemampuan (competent) dan produktif (credible). Juga perlu dibangun kembali sistem penyuluhan petani yang lebih efektif dan efisien.

Srategi umum dalam upaya mewujudkan visi pembangunan pertanian adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Melaksanakan manajemen pembangunan yang bersih, transparan dan bebas KKN
  2. Meningkatkan koordinasi dalam penyusunan kebijakan dan manajemen pembangunan pertanian
  3. Memperluas dan memanfaatkan basis produksi secara berkelanjutan
  4. Meningkatkan kapasitas dan memberdayakan sumber daya manusia pertanian, yaitu :
  1. Meningkatkan ketersediaan prasarana dan sarana pertanian
  2. Meningkatkan inovasi dan diseminasi teknologi tepat guna 
  3. Memoromosikan dan memproteksi komoditas pertanian
Program pembangunan pertanian dirumuskan dalam tiga program yaitu:

1. Program Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan.

Ketahanan pangan diartikan sebagai terpenuhinya pangan dengan ketersediaa yang cukup, tersedia setiap saat disemua daerah, mudah diperoleh rumah tangga, aman dikonsumsi dan harga terjangkau. Ketahanan pangan mencakup konsep:

2. Ketersediaan pangan - Distribusi dan ketersediaan pangan.

3. Penerimaan oleh ketersediaan pangan - Diversifikasi pangan.

Keamanan Pangan

Program peningkatan ketahanan pangan merupakan fasilitas bagi terjaminnya masyarakat untuk memperoleh pyang cukup setiap saat, sehat dan halal. Ketahanan rumah tangga berkaitan dengan kemampuan rumah tangga untuk dapat akses terhadap pangan di pasar, dengan demikian ketahanan pangan rumah tangga dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan daya beli atau pendapatan rum,ah tangga. Sejalan dengan itu maka peningkatan pendapatan rumah tangga merupakan faktor kunci dari peningkatan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga.

Pangan dalam arti luas mencakup pangan yang berasal dari tanaman, ternak dan ikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan atas karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral serta turunannya yang bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan kesehatan. Sasaran yang ingin dicapai adalah : 
  • Dicapainya ketersediaan pangan tingkat nasional, regional dan rumah tangga yang cukup, aman dan halal
  • Meningkatnya keragaman produksi dan konsumsi pangan masyarakat
  • Meningkatnya kemampuan masyarakat dalam mengatasi kerawanan pangan.
Kegiatan utama Program Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan meliputi :
  • Peningkatan produksi dan ketersediaan pangan
  • Pengembangan diversifikasi produksi dan konsumsi pangan yang bertumpu pada sumber daya local penyusunan kebijakan dan pengendalian harga pangan
  • Penanggulangan kasus atau kejadian kerawanan pangan
Rencana tindak program meliputi :
  • Peningkatan produksi pangan pokok
  • Koordinasi kebijakan nketersediaan dan distribusi pangan
  • Pengembangan sumber pangan alternative berbasis sumbar daya local
  • Koordinasi penyusunan kebijakan harga pangan
  • Koordinasi pengendalian harga
  • Koordinasi penetapan standar kualitas dan keamanan pangan
  • Pengawasan lalu lintas pertanian dan hewan serta penerapan GAO dan HACC produk pangan
  • Koordinasi penanggulangan kasus/kejadian kerawanan pangan
Program Peningkatan Nilai Tambah dan Dayasaing Produk Pertanian.

Dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan petani, maka arah yang perlu ditempuh adalah memperluas cakupan kegiatan ekonomiproduktif petani. Perluasan kegiatan ekonomi yang memungkinkan untuk dilakukan adalah peningkatan nilai tambah melalui pengolahan.

Dengan demikian program ini dimaksudkan untuk memfasilitasi, Berkembangnya usaha pertanian agar produktif dan efisien menghasilkan berbagai produk pertanian yang mempunyai nilai tambah dan daya saing tinggi baik di pasar domestik maupun internasional, Meningkatnya kontribusi sektor pertanian dalam perekonomian nasional terutama melalui peningkatan devisa.

Kegiatan utama mencakup :
  • Peningkatan produksi dan mutu produk pertanian
  • Pengembangan agro-industri pedesaan
  • Pengembangan produk sesuai dengan standar internasional
  • Penerapan kebijakan insentif
  • Pengembangan informasi pasar
  • Pengembangan sarana dan prasarana usaha
  • Pengembangan pasar
  • Perlindungan produk domestik
  • Harmonisasi regulasi/deregulasi
Rencana tindak program meliputi :
  • Pengembangan produksi komoditas unggulan
  • Perbaikan pasca panen
  • Pengembangan kelembagaan pengolahan hasil pertanian
  • Penerapan standar produk sesuai standar internasional
  • Pengendalian harga produk pertanian
  • Pengembangan jaringan informasi distribusi
  • Pengembangan sarana pengolahan dan pemasaran
  • Peningkatan market intelligent
  • Perlindungan produk domestik
  • Peningkatan kerjasama antar negara dibidang karantina.

Keberhasilan pembangunan pertanian terletak pada keberlanjutan pembangunan pertanian itu sendiri. Konsepsi pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan tersebut diterjemahkan ke dalam visi pembangunan pertanian jangka panjang yaitu ”Terwujudnya sistem pertanian industrial berdaya saing, berkeadilan dan berkelanjutan guna menjamin ketahanan pangan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat pertanian “ dan diimplementasikan.

Sistem pertanian industrial dicirikan oleh usaha pertanian bernilai tambah tinggi dan terintegrasi dalam satu rantai pasok (supply chai ) berdasarkan relasi kemitraan sinergis dan adil dengan bertumpu pada sumber daya nasional, kearifan local serta ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berwawasan lingkungan. Sistem pertanian industrial adalah sosok pertanian ideal yang merupakan keharusan agar usaha pertanian dapat bertahan hidup dan tumbuh berkembang secara berkelanjutan dalam tatanan lingkungan persaingan global yang semakin ketat.

Sehingga sudah seharusnya negara-negara dunia ketiga untuk mencanangkan program – program unggulan guna mempercepat diseminasi pertanian khususnya Indonesia dengan badan Litbang pertanian sehingga bisa mewujudkan pertanian industrial.